Aleatoric Croaks

The Cocoquantus integrates well with the main synthesizer.  All I need is cables with a phone plug on one end and an alligator clip on the other.  In the patch for this recording the audio and CV all originate in the Quantussy, the cluster of five oscillators.  Two of them provide the audio, which is patched first into a CGS Tube VCA to generate more harmonics, and then through a MOTM-480 VCF, then through an Oakley Cycling ADSR/VCA and back into one of the COCO delays.  There are two of these routes, making for a stereo patch.  Two more of the cocoquantus ‘oscirators’ are patched over to the frequency CV inputs of the MOTM-480.  For this recording I didn’t use the feedback on the COCO delays, so that the result would be simple and clean.  In essence, I used the cocoquantus as a cluster of oscillators.  The aleatoric (random) quality comes by means of the chaotic interaction within the cocoquantus among the oscillators.

3 Responses to Aleatoric Croaks

  1. Ritchie says:

    Sounds clean! So are you essentially feeding the direct out of the quantussy oscillators straight into your modular hence no hissy noise? I’m struggling to recording a real clean sample with the Sidrax going into the CQ, even with the feedback at zero.

  2. Richard says:

    There’s no hiss in this recording, because there’s no signal passing through the delays. When Feedback is at zero, no signal is sent through the delays and nothing recirculates. So the signal through CQ is clean. I often use CQ without the delays, because the AM on the inputs is clean and useful.

    I don’t quite understand what you meant, by getting a ‘clean sample’ with feedback at zero, because with feedback at zero, nothing’s sampled at all. Any time you use the sampling and delays, you’ll get some noise, because it’s 8-bit and generally noisy. The best was to reduce noise is to send a strong signal into the sampler and set Feedback to 12 noon, which is a unity gain without too much feedback.

  3. Ritchie says:

    Thanks for the info. I’ll experiment with just using the AM too. With the ‘clean sample’ sound, I swear I’d seen a video of someone feeding a sound into the CQ and getting quite a clean delayed signal out with some feedback activated. Perhaps it’s better with complex wave forms as opposed to the pure tones (zero chaos) of the Textrax. Back to more experimenting! 🙂

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