Multiple Effects

Multiple FX Patch

Got three new modules recently, so made this patch. In the top left, the four Tromso modules are cross-patched to make some stepped voltages at rates determined by the cross-patch.

Joranalogue Generate 3 VCO has its fundamental and even waveforms ring modulated by sine waves from Klavis Twinwaves VCO. A uBurst Clouds running in clouds mode (granulator) creates bursts of sound which are filtered and saturated by River Marble, then into Make Noise Mimeophon, and finally through the Happy Nerding FX-Aid XL running a chorus into reverb program.

Stepped voltages modify the cloud density and size, plus parameters on Mimeophon. One of the stepped voltages changes the pitches of all three VCOs at the same time and depth.

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