Live Patch #3 – MOTM

This is the third live piece played at our House Concert on November 12, 2018.

Patch Photo

Patch Diagram

Patch Description

Inspired by the Krell patch structure, we use three cycling, voltage-controlled attack-decay envelope generators.  All three have their attack and decay controlled by the Smooth and Stepped outputs of my DIY Wogglebug.  Wogglebug is internally clocked, so it is at the top of the control.  The end of cycle pulse triggers a sample & hold of pink noise and a scale quantizer at the same time to select a new, random CV for the 1 volt/octave input of a MOTM-300 oscillator.  The envelope out controls a VCA, but as a twist I crossed the envelopes so that each VCA is controlled by the generator that is clocking the other S&H.  Each of the signals has its own treatment.  One, the Blacet StonZ phaser, and the other the MOTM-410 Triple Resonant Bandpass Filter.  The VCA outputs go to the final mix, but also into a Blacet Time Machine analog delay.  Two TM parameters are controlled by the Woggle out of the Wogglebug.  The MOTM-410 and the TM have internal LFOs to sweep them.

To keep the quantizers off base, each one has a different slow LFO sweeping the scale CV.

A third ‘voice’ is made by sampling one of the already quantized random voltages to control an Ian Fritz Teezer VCO.  The Teezer’s triangle output is frequency shifted by an Encore Frequency Shifter, whose CV is the same as the one patched to the Teezer’s 1 volt/octave input.  Higher pitches will be swept faster than lower pitches.

One Response to Live Patch #3 – MOTM

  1. Kegan says:

    Dig it!

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