First example recording based on the CGS Super Psycho LFO. The Psycho LFO is running all six LFO’s in low frequency mode. I used the Modcan CV Recorder to make four copies of it at different times. Two of the four psycho CV outputs patch into CGS Slope Detectors, resulting in gates for triggering four MOTM-800 envelope generators that in turn modulate the cutoff frequencies of each of the Cynthia Quad Low Pass Gates. Four VCO’s generate audio, modulated with a bunch of sample and holds, including two CGS Analog Shift Registers. The WoggleBug Smooth output is tracked and held by two Oakley S&H’s. The Teezer VCO is linear FM’ed by one of the other VCO’s. Finally, the MPX-1 Garage reverb finishes it.
Modular Analog Synthesis
automatic music bandpass buchla bugbrand case cgs cgs-serge chaos ciat-lonbarde clouds cocoquantus delay DIY drone envelope generator eurorack filter highpass improvised LFO lowpass mangler mescaline mixer noise plumbutter power supply pulse divider quantisise quantussy random ring modulator rollz-5 sample and hold sequence sequencer serge slew limiter tetrazzi Uhbik VCA VCDO VCF VCO wave multiplierCategories
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