This sound piece is controlled by a structure consisting of fifteen slow random or chaotic modules.

Starting from the top of the diagram, half of the Klavis Twin Waves generates random brownian vectors with varying rate and level. The other Twin Waves LFO make randomly timed vectors with rate and time parameters being controlled.
Next level down the ADDAC Bezier Waves control the rates of the Twin Waves.
Bezier Waves have their levels controlled by slow random voltages provided by Xaoc Batumi, running the Individual Wave Bank firmware. The other two Batumi random voltages are controlling parameters on the Twin Waves.
Then we come to three Chaotic Smooth voltages and three Random LFOs obtained from Mutable Instruments Stages running the fabulous Stages Bipolar v1.30 firmware from Qimem. These modulate the rates of the two Bezier Waves and the four Batumi LFOs.
Finally, Joranalogue Orbit 3 Chaos provides six chaotic sinusoidal waves for controlling the rates of the Stages LFOs.
Coming full circle, the Twin Waves random voltages modulate the Frequency and Distribution of the Orbit 3.
All of the modulated parameters have attenuators. The modules without CV attenuators have external attenuators patched, but not shown on the diagram.
The Audio Patch
Three oscillators (the two Dannysound EN-129s and the Cali Oscillator) have their pitch controlled from the Stages Random LFOs set to stepped random. There’s no quantization. Each oscillator has some treatment applied, wave folding, wave shaping, or filtering. The treatments receive CV from the control patch. The square wave outputs from the Batumi LFOs trigger envelope generators to control VCAs. Audio is mixed in the L-1 Stereo VC Mixer with panning applied. The final mix goes through the Veno Echo delay with various controls taken from the control patch.
The first take was recorded with fixed envelope times and without reverb. The second take added periodic modulation of the envelope times, making for longer decays. Reverb was added after the Veno Echo delay. The reverb is mixed such that reverb from the left input appears midway between the center and the right of the stereo field, and vice-versa.
The video was made with the patch from Take 2.