I have filled up fourteen proper Eurorack cases of all different sizes and shapes. This happened over the course of about ten years, during which I bought and sold many Eurorack modules. By way of explanation I can only say that it demonstrates a serious fascination with electronic sounds and also with modular synth design. Every module design represents a set of compromises, whether it’s circuit quality, panel layout, artistic considerations, user interface. There is no perfect design. In Eurorack land there exist many very inventive designers and the number of choices available is large. Modular Grid lists over 8,500 currently available Eurorack modules at this time. Right now I have only slightly more than 200. A dozen or so are sitting in a drawer and not in the picture.
Here’s an image from Modular Grid, listing all my current holdings.

mine is somewhat like this, I cal it my synth wall my wife wants to call it the guest room.
Hi Robert,
When we bought this house, that room was designated as my electronic music studio. So that’s not a problem. The problem is that it’s getting too full! And the Eurorack takes up less room than my MOTM system or my banana jack Serge/BugBrand/CGS systems.
Very impressive as is the rest of your collection. Any reason not to consolidate your modules into one large rack?
Kinda in the same predicament here. I have two nifty cases filled, now I want a third row of 84hp and the conundrum hits on how I want to approach that. (Not to mention wanting to explore 4u haha)
There are advantages to having a collection of small cases.
1. I don’t have to turn them all on. Only the ones I’m using.
2. I like to make small, playable instruments in separate cases.
3. It’s hard to sell used small cases. Shipping costs, etc.
4. Large cases are expensive and I’m picky about power.
I do not have a 6U or 7U double row case. I keep looking at them and one day I might buy one to replace two smaller cases.