The Double Tetrahedron patch was retained to generate CV for three separate percussive patches. Two cycling Make Noise Function modules provided all the triggers.
One voice consisted of the CubuSynth Engine V1 through the two channels of Patching Panda Punch V3 and through Instruo Tanh[3] then Qu-Bit Data Bender and Aurora.
A second voice used two oscillators from Klavis Twin Waves V1 through a pair of Qu-Bit Cascade Envelope/VCAs then Holocene NLMM.
A third voice used both of the Starling Via META modules, set as drums, through a Stereo Delay in Happy Nerding FX-Aid Pro.
The first two recordings had the three voices mixed by hand. The third recording is just the second voice running automatically.
It’s fun to listen to two of these recordings at the same time!