Third MultiMod Patch – Audio

Audio into MultiMod patch

This is my first audio patch with MultiMod, having Mutable Instruments Braids out going directly into the MultiMod input. Tempo driven by the MultiMod time clock output with steady beat. Again the clock uses Pithoprakta to derive four triggers that fire at the same time, but each skipping some beats. Four outputs of MultiMod, now audio, are gated by four envelope generators triggered from Pithoprakta and four VCAs, mixed in Jumble Henge. Out from Jumble Henge goes into the FX chain, which consists of WORNG Midside+ with one channel of Make Noise Mimeophon delay on the sides, then through Qu-Bit Data Bender, White Rabbit reverb, NANO CEQ, and ThreeTom Doppio. Key to this patch is CV over MultiMod Spread by a meandering random CV.

I think the first two takes use the FOLD algorithm of Braids and the last two use VOWL.

Take 1
Take 2
Take 3
Take 4 with slower tempo than Take 3

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