As in a boquet of springs.

Sound generation in this piece comes from four oscillators in the DIY Quantussy. Each of the oscillators is pitch modulated by a Castle (S&H) output from the Ciat-Lonbarde Cocoquantus. The silver boxes are in-line attenuators for two of the pitch CVs. All of the Coco oscillators are running at the slow LFO speed. They are cross-modulated by the internal chaos. The DIY Quantussy oscillators are also enjoying some internal-cross modulation of their own. The four oscillators are brought into the eurorack modular for effects.
The Effects
- Qu-Bit Data Bender
- Holocene Non-Linear Memory Machine
- Make Noise Mimeophon
- Qu-Bit Aurora
- Happy Nerding FX-Aid Pro Dual Stereo Delay
The Stereo Voltage-Controlled Levels
- Plum Audio Arba patched as two stereo VCAs
- Xaoc Tallin, controlled in parallel
- L-1 VC Stereo Mixer
- Vult Freak Dual Filter controlled in parallel
- ADDAC 805.VS2 signal router
The Mix
Two pairs of effects are employed. Each pair is cross-faded into the mix. An incoming mix of all four Quantussies is passed through Data Bender and then through the Arba VCAs, before being injected into the NLMM and the Mimeophon. The NLMM output is level controlled by Tallin. The Mimeophon output is level controlled by a low pass filter from Freak. The Tallin and Freak are controlled inversely by a slow LFO before going to the final mix.
A mix of two Quantussies passes through River Marble and into Aurora, followed by gain control by the L-1 Stereo mixer. A mix of the other two Quantussies is cross-faded and level controlled by the 805.VS2, followed by the Stereo Delay. The L1 and 805.VS2 are controlled inversely by another LFO.
Earlier and later versions
The first recording was made with an earlier version of the patch.
In the earlier version four LFOs were used for the cross-fading, resulting in what seemed like too much overlap. Three days later I had time to go back and refine the patch up to the description above. It’s a simplification by using only two LFOs for the cross-fading.
The video is also a snippet of the later version.