I gave a solo performance at the Mission for Temporal Art in Marshall, NC, on November 14th, 2014. Thanks go to Wendy Owens, who organized the event, and to Claire Elizabeth Barratt and David Linton, curators at the MTA.
Sonic Sanctuary Magic teaparty FUNdraiser @ MTA
Lately I have started a working method in which I create a patch especially designed for a specific performance, then load the modules into a portable rack cabinet for transport to the event venue. I now have a cabinet that can hold 10U wide of MOTM format modules. Here’s what it looked like loaded for this performance.
- Synthesis Technology e340 Cloud Generator
- Synthesis Technology e350 Morphing Terrarium
- Two J3RK Buchla 258J oscillators
- MOTM-480R Resonant Filters, in my custom dual panel
- Two Veeblefetzers
The patch consists of the four oscillators going into the two filters, then the HP, BP, and LP outputs of the filters going into a three-channel mixer and through the Veeblefetzers to the PA system. Two additional patch cords were used in the performance: Triangle out of one 258J into the Linear FM input of the other 258J, and XY out of the e350 into the Linear FM input of the first 258J.
The e340 was tuned to 264 Hz (one octave down from the 528 Hz Solfeggio frequency). One 258J was tuned an octave below that at 132 Hz, and the other two oscillators to 66 Hz. The oscillators were detuned slightly over the course of the piece to produce varying beat frequencies. The performance was done by manually changing the filter center frequencies and resonance, the mixes of the filter outputs, the depths of linear FM on the 258Js, the Z waveform of the e350, the spread of the e340. At one point I added a little chaos in the e340. Occasionally I tweaked the frequency fine tuning on various oscillators. I used the Veeblefetzers as level meters.
It was a little cold in the room, hence the balaclava. Well, the ‘ninja’ look was really just for fun.
It’s about 28 minutes in length.