Simple to Complex

The Complex Patch

This patch started out complex. Over time I simplified it.

Five oscillators with through-zero modulation capability were mixed together, some going mostly to the right stereo image and some to the left. Each of these was gated through a VCA controlled by an envelope generator created with five outputs of Just Friends. The envelopes were triggered by five LFOs, each having their own similar but not synchronized period, with the result that the sounds overlap. In addition, each time a new sound was triggered, a new random pitch CV was applied.

Since that wasn’t complex enough, five additional envelope generator/VCAs were used to modulate the five linear through-zero modulation inputs, in a ring such that oscillator one modulated oscillator two which modulated the next, etc.. Finally the resulting stereo was processed by a chain of effects.

As I experimented, I began simplifying. I reduced or eliminated the through-zero modulations. I used fewer and fewer effects. I slowed down the tempo. I made eight recordings, four of which are presented here, from most complex to least.

Take 1
Take 4
Take 5
Take 8

2 Responses to Simple to Complex

  1. Nick Muir says:

    Great to hear you’re still active, John Rice directed me to this site. Love your approach and the resulting music.

  2. Richard says:

    Thanks for the kind words, Nick. I do intend to keep active!

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