That first patch (previous post) was just too regular and boring. This second patch with Make Noise MultiMod uses the same six oscillators, but this time each is enveloped as a separate voice. All are triggered at the same time, but not always at once, by putting the MultiMod Clock Out to trigger Pithoprakta, which in turn triggers the voices. I’ve added Make Noise Mimeophon and Qu-Bit Data Bender to the patch. A key to this patch is clocking Mimeophon with the MultiMod clock and also patching the MultiMod Channel Index Out to the Mimeophon Reverse input. I’m also CV-ing the MultiMod Time parameter with a slow random voltage. A different slow random voltage is on the MultiMod input. Both of these are through external attenuators. Finally, Mimeophon Clock Out clocks Data Bender.
I made three short tracks, the only difference being the Shape Mode of MultiMod, Blue, Purple, and Orange.
Once you have a patch like this set up, it’s fun to try different inputs to MultiMod and try all the Shapes.