
Second Mattson VC Mixer

mmm-mix-panelMattson VC Mixer

Taking stock of all my VCA modules, I realized that while I had at least two of each type, I had built only one of George Mattson’s VC mixers.  This is a relatively easy DIY project.  All it takes is an assembled and tested VC Mixer board and a wiring kit, available from the Mattson Mini Modular store.  Part numbers VCM1-B, and WK-14B.  I had already designed the panel for the first one, so I simply ordered another from Front Panel Express.  (The black anodizing didn’t match the other panel, but I’ve come to expect that.)  Add panel jacks, pots and knobs.  Wiring is simple with the WK-14B wiring kit.


Here is how the two of them look, side b side.  The earlier one is to the left.


This time I fabricated a simpler bracket from aluminum stock obtained from the hardware store.

VCA and LPG tally

Module VCA Count DC Coupled?
MOTM-190-1 2 No
MOTM-190-2 2 Yes
Mattson VCA 2 No
Mattson VC Mixer 8 Yes
Trapezoid VCA 2 No
Oakley ADSR/VCA 4 Yes
OMO-410 2 Yes
Quantisise VCA 6 Yes
Mod-DeMix 2 Yes
Bugbrand LPG 2 No
Resonant Gate 4 No
Thomas White LPG 2 No
Makenoise LxD 4 Yes
Meng Qi DPLPG 2 Yes
M.I Streams 2 Yes
Intellijel Micro VCA II 2 Yes
2hp Dual Linear VCA 4 Yes
Zlob Dual VCA 2 Yes

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