It was time. Time to fire up the ol’ Quantisise. The red panel. From 2013. So I made a patch on it, and a little Eurorack patch, and hooked them up. My banana to mini-plug adapter cables were too short, which is why you see the yellow banana cables hanging down there.

Beautiful piece of gear 😀
Thanks, Josh.
Try the quantisise tag for more.
Very organic sounding patch. Love the little flutters.
So is the DIY Quantisie the same as the Quantussy out of the CQ?
Hi Ritchie,
Thanks for the compliment!
It can be a little confusing. The Quantisise was built in 2013. It an emulation, in a modular format, of the Quantussy section of the Cocoquantus. You can use the quantisise tag to find related posts. Quantisise has six identical sections, each having an oscillator, a VCA, and two sample & holds. They have to be patched together to intermodulate, unlike the Quantussy, which is internally cross-patched.
More recently, I built a DIY Quantussy, which indeed is the same as Quantussy in the Cocoquantus, with a few additions. Use the quantussy tag.
Thanks for the info. I’ll have a little read via the links. Cheers!