I came up with a sort of drum-drone Plumbutter patch using the Gongs and Ultrasounds. I ran it through various Uhbik VST plugins. This one with the frequency shifter (Uhbik-S) is one of the more interesting results. It starts out dry with the Gongs in Trad mode, then an effect comes in. Later the Gongs are switched to Gonz mode and then a different shifter effect is applied. It ends with a dry section with the Gongs still Gonzo.
Modular Analog Synthesis
automatic music bandpass buchla bugbrand case cgs cgs-serge chaos ciat-lonbarde clouds cocoquantus delay DIY drone envelope generator eurorack filter highpass improvised LFO lowpass mangler mescaline mixer noise plumbutter power supply pulse divider quantisise quantussy random ring modulator rollz-5 sample and hold sequence sequencer serge slew limiter tetrazzi Uhbik VCA VCDO VCF VCO wave multiplierCategories
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