This July 2010 photo shows the whole studio setup with all modules ready to go and something patched. The portable cabinets are to the left, doing duty as overflow cabinets. There’s still some space left for expansion.
To the lower right sit the Mackie 802-VLZ3 mixer, the t.c. electronics Desktop Konnekt6 Firewire interface, and a rack holding a Furman power conditioner, a pair of FMR Audio Really Nice Compressors, a Lexicon MPX-1 Multiple Effects Processor, and a Tascam SS-R1 solid state recorder. The monitors are Mackie HR-824s. I store the M-Audio Axiom-25 on top, because I don’t use keyboards a lot.
January 2013 photo with all cabinets full, Ciat-Lonbarde gear on the table, and the new Allen & Heath ZED-14 mixer:
September 2021 Photos

MOTM Photos 2024

List of MOTM Modules as of April, 2024
- Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCO) — 2 MOTM-300, Cynthia ZerOscillator, Fritz Teezer, e350 Morphing Terrarium, e340 Cloud Generator, 2 J3RK Buchla 258J, 2 DIY XR-2206, DIY Modular Tetrazzi Quad Oscillator
- Low Frequency Oscillators (LFO) — 2 MOTM-320, 2 MOTM-380, 2 MOTM-390
- Voltage Controlled Amplifiers (VCA) — 2 MOTM-190, 2 Mattson VCA, 2 Mattson 4-channel VC Mixer, 2 in DIY Modular Tetrazzi Quad Oscillator
- Envelope Generators (EG) — 2 MOTM-800, 2 Mattson EG, 2 Blacet 2070 EG, 2 MOTM-OMS-820, Mattson Quad AD, Encore UEG
- Envelope Shapers (EG + VCA) — 1 Oakley VC ADSR/VCA, 2 Oakley Cycling ADSR/VCA, 2 Haible Trapezoid
- Voltage Controlled Filters (VCF) — 2 MOTM-420, 2 MOTM-440, MOTM-480, 2 MOTM-490, Oakley Superladder, Mankato, 2 Flight of Harmony Plague Bearer, Mattson VCF
- Low Pass Gates (LPG) — 2 Thomas White Resonant Lopass Gate, 2 Clee Resonant Gate
- Phase Shifters — Blacet StonZ, E560 Deflector Shield
- Timbre modulators — MOTM-120, MOTM-510, CGS Wave Multiplier, CGS Bi-N-Tic Filter, Blacet Miniwave, 2 CGS Tube VCA’s
- Frequency Shifters — Encore Frequency Shifter, E560 Deflector Shield
- Ring Modulators — 2 MOTM-190, E560 Deflector Shield
- Quantizers — Blacet Miniwave
- Analog Delays — 2 Blacet Time Machines
- Digital Delays — E580 Sampling Mini-Delay
- Lag Processors — 2 MOTM-820, 2 Tellun Lag, 2 CGS Serge VCS
- Mixers – 2 Oakley Multimix, 2 Mixer-Comparator, 2 Resonance Mixer, 2 4×2 Mixer
- Sample & Holds — MOTM-101 + 2 Oakley S&H, 1 in Wogglebug, Quad DIY S&H
- Noise Sources — MOTM-101, CGS Infinite Melody
- Control Voltage Generators — CGS Infinite Melody, CGS Psycho LFO, Wogglebug, Jerkster Chaos, Blacet Binary Zone
- Logic processors — 1 CGS divider, 1 CGS shifter, 4 CGS XOR logic gates
- Input signal processors — 1 Stereo Input Module
- Other — MOTM-700 dual switch, 2 CGS Analog Shift Registers, Analog OR, Analog AND, Mattson Distributor, Dual CGS Slope Detectors
- Visual indicators — 2 Veeblefetzers
- Multiples — 15 4-jack multiples
Banana Jack collection – CGS/Serge

4U Mixed Bananas

Dual Benjolin + 4U + Bugbrand + CGS Serge