I have been assembling a rack for noise improvisation, in the wood case that Kri Samadhi helped me build. Here’s the Modular Grid view.

- x1L3 SHARD
Noise, drone and artifact generator - ST Modular EuroKastle
Bastl Instruments Kastle Eurorack Version - Jolin TABØR
Avalanche Drone Rhythmic Oscillator - Reverse Landfill Monotropa v3
Four band feedback distortion - Bubblesound Instruments Mix6
6X1(3X1) 6 Channel Mixer - Erica Synths SWAMP
Random CV and audio generator - Noise Engineering Sinc Defero
Buffered quad attenuator with LEDs - SetonixSynth Marsupial
Dual AS3350 Voltage-Controlled Filter - ST Modular SINGER
Delay with loads of parameter options and two switchable inputs - Happy Nerding FX AID XL
Multiple audio effects - Modulaire Maritime Victor Alpha 1
Stereo Panning Mixer / Output module w/ VU Meter - 4ms Company ROW POWER 30
30W of power, +12@1.5A/-12@0.75A/+5@0.5A - 3hp Blind Panel
Blind Panel
The blank panel on the right end actually has a black banana jack for power supply ground.
Ancient Krell Music reminiscent of Forbidden Planet soundtrack
Here is the patch. Although intended for improvisation, this one runs by itself.
Swamp (Wogglebug) Woggle Tone out -> SHARD Input
SHARD Out -> Tabor FM 4
Tabor Out -> Attenuator -> Marsupial In A
EuroKastle LFO Triangle Out -> Marsupial A CV
Marsupial A Out -> Singer Delay In
Singer Delay Out -> FX Aid In
FX Aid Out, L&R -> Recorder
I did NOT use the FX Aid for this recording; it was set for Dry signal only. The recording is a little unbalanced L to R at the beginning, but it is in mono.
I am just learning the SHARD. SHARD’s input, here the Woggle Tone saw wave, mixes with the internal oscillators.