NLC Banana Project Progress

Partially populated NLC Banana 3U panel

The Front Panel Express 3U panel arrived and began to be populated.

Newly arrived panel
Starting to mount the banana jacks
Partially populated panel

All the banana jacks, LED lenses, and toggle switches are in. Some of the pots are installed. More pots are being shipped. I discovered a panel design mistake: Some of the pot locations are too close together to fit the Alpha RV16AF-10-15R1-B100K-3LA 16 mm pots planned. I’ve ordered 9 mm diameter pots to fit those locations.

The jacks are color coded to match my quasi-Bugbrand color scheme.

  • Yellow – signal input
  • Blue – control input
  • Black – gate/trigger input
  • Green – signal output
  • Red – pulse output
  • Orange – fixed output

The Orange fixed outputs are for noise or chaotic random voltages.

Two more NLC PC boards are done.

I Can’t Believe It’s Not A VCO

Yes, that is the name of an NLC module. Not A VCO for short. I’ve finished the PC boards, but it needs pots in the circuit before it can be tested.

Top side of finished Not a VCO.

Not a VCO hooks to a panel PCB via two 10-pin headers. I’ll wire from that lower PCB over to the panel parts. The lower PCB is needed for mounting the assembly to the bracket behind the panel.

The panel PCB underneath the Not A VCO main board


Dual LFO/VCO top
Dual LFO/VCO main and panel boards connected

You may notice that some components are missing from the Dual LFO/VCO. That’s because I limited the panel real estate for this module. The Sync and Sample & Hold features are omitted. What I have now is a dual oscillator with three ranges from slow LFO to audio with Sine, Triangle, and Square waveforms and one CV input per oscillator. It gets trimmed for 1V/octave, but doesn’t track as well as the Kareishuu VCO. This module passed its smoke test, showing three nice waveforms for each oscillator.

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