MOTM Quantussy Cells

Now that I have four more sample & hold modules (see previous post), I can make four Quantussy Cells in my MOTM system. (One Quantussy Cell takes an LFO and two S&H modules. Use the quantussy tag for details.) For the LFOs I chose two CGS Serge VCS, and two MOTM-OMS-820s. Each of the LFOs has a pulse output that triggers two sample & holds. The inputs of the S&Hs come from the positive ramp outputs of the LFOs and the S&H outputs go back to control the LFO rates, as in a standard Quantussy Cell ring of four.

The rest of the patch is the audio that’s being controlled by the Quantussy Cell ring. Four S&H outputs control oscillator pitches, and the four pulse outputs trigger envelope generators. Blacet Time Machine and Synth Tech Sampling Mini-Delay are also deployed.

2 Responses to MOTM Quantussy Cells

  1. abe says:

    What are the two modules in the upper right with the S shape LED chains?

  2. Richard says:

    Tellun Veeblefetzers

    I designed the reverse-S curve shape.

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