My Blacet Research Mini Wave wave table module, based on the Wiard design, migrated into the main MOTM cabinets. I had not used it in quite a while.
Patch Description
Mini Wave needs a sawtooth wave input, which it uses to read out a table of wave forms. A MOTM-300 VCO supplies the sawtooth. Sixteen banks, each having sixteen wave forms are selected by two control voltages, one for bank and one for wave. The Blacet Binary Zone generates a clock and a CV sequence voltage on each clock step. The CV gets quantized by the Modcan B Dual Quantizer and controls the VCO pitch.
The Haible Trapezoid envelope generator and VCA is triggered by the Binary Zone’s clock. The envelope is used to step up and down through the wave table, during each note. It also controls the embedded VCA which passes the Mini Wave output on to the external effects and is monitored on the ‘scope.
For a final touch, a slow LFO steps the Mini Wave bank back and forth.

The mono signal from the enveloped Mini Wave is sent to the Tip Top Echos delay module, where it splits into a stereo output. This stereo signal is chopped up by the Qu-Bit Data Bender and then may have another delay or some reverb added.
love this stuff and all your synth modules , very very nice