Mido-based gear designed by Peter Blasser typically centers audio signals at a +4.5 volt bias, which Peter refers to as “mido”, i.e. middle. And these signals are roughly 4 volts peak-to-peak.
If you have adapters or cables for patching between banana jacks and 3.5mm jacks, so long as you provide a common “ground” connection between the zero volt buses of the CL and Euro gear you can directly patch CL outputs into Eurorack. But you’ll need to mind the +4.5 volt offset.
Here’s a Eurorack module from Happy Nerding, the 2xSAM Dual Stereo Attenuator/Mixer, that eases the conversion between the two signal standards. It has two stereo inputs that are AC-coupled, meaning you don’t have to worry about the bias offset. It also offers 5X gain. The incoming CL signal, swinging between +2.5 and +6.5 volts can be transformed to a +/-5V standard signal with manual control over the gain.
Not only are there two of these stereo buffers, each has its own stereo output. And there is a stereo mix output of the two channels.
Because it is AC-coupled, this module isn’t suitable for bringing in slow control voltages from CL gear. For that you will need to manage the offset within your Eurorack patch.
Super Useful Info as always!! 😀