
Here’s a piece featuring the CGS Bi-N-Tic filter.  Whatever you call it, this module isn’t like anything else!  The patch is simply to take a pulse wave from a MOTM-300 VCO through the Bi-N-Tic.  Damping control is all the way down (no damping), and the Bandwidth is around six or so.  Periodically the pulse wave is gated into the module through an Oakley VC ADSR-VCA.  Something interesting happens as the input signal dies away:  the filter breaks into some crazy reverberations of its own.   The resulting sounds are highly dependent on the frequencies of the VCO and the filter.  There is a sample and hold to change the filter frequency on every cycle of the envelope.   This patch runs without intervention.  There are no MPX-1 digital effects here.  I almost forgot!  I used a Resonance Mixer to feed back some of the Bi-N-Tic output back into its own input.

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