Looping Experiment with TZFM

Boss RC-1

After having tried mixing multiple recordings to build up a dense sound, I realized this could be done by a loop recorder.  Here’s one experiment that makes use of two kinds of loop.  To start out, a semi-random pitch CV is generated by Pithoprakta, clocked by Mordax Data at a constant 120 BPS.  The sequence is frozen periodically, creating a momentarily repeating sequence.  Then another is generated.  The timbre is made by Through-Zero Frequency Modulation in the EN129 VCO, modulated by a sine wave from the Cali Oscillator.  Both oscillators receive the same pitch voltage, so they track.  The pitch CV is quantized to a pentatonic major scale.  A bit of reverb is added.  Then the loop station starts layering sound on sound.

The result is reminiscent of Steve Reich.  If it seems repetitious, then you’re paying too much attention to the regular beat and the invariant scale pitches.  Instead, pay attention to the internal parts which are constantly changing and finding accidental affinities.  It’s the subtle changes that are interesting.



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