Kareishuu VCO Smoke Test

Test setup

Getting started building the NLC Banana Project. The Kareishuu VCO boards are done and work!

Finished VCO PCB

This VCO will have eight panel pots. But for the smoke test I didn’t need to wire any of these pots. All I did was to temporarily ground the CV input for the linear FM depth control (orange wire). Two PC boards come in a set for this VCO, the one above has all the circuitry. The panel PCB for holding all the knobs and jacks wasn’t needed for my project. For the eurorack version the two boards are connected by three 10-pin inline headers. The holes for those can be seen in the photo, and they are conveniently labelled. I’ll wire from the holes directly to the panel.

Waveform scope shots

Triangle wave

The triangle is a tad over 10 volts peak to peak and is pretty well centered.

Square wave

Same for the square wave.

Sine wave

The sine wave is slightly below 10 volts peak to peak. There is a trimpot for centering this waveform.

So now two of the ten PCBs are done. I’ll proceed across the panel and make a post for each one. The green 3U panel has been ordered from Front Panel Express. That should arrive in two weeks or so. I’m still waiting for most of the panel pots, on back order from Mouser, part #313-1000F-100K. They were marked available, but now are delayed until the beginning of October.

One Response to Kareishuu VCO Smoke Test

  1. Richard says:

    I had to ground the PWM CV input too. Otherwise an op amp input was left floating and made the pulse output wonky.

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