Hemispheres Redux

Hemispheres Redux patch

The Two Hemispheres

Two Quantussy Cell rings, one with four cells representing the Left and one with five cells representing the Right, are patched together such that each one can inhibit the other’s progression momentarily. Representing in an extremely abstract way the left and right hemispheres of the brain, the inhibiting interconnections represent the corpus callosum, the neurons that connect the two halves.

The Left is comprised of a cycle of four cells built with a Tromsø module and a selective sample & hold.

Tromsø Quantussy cell

Some of the cells used, specifically the Tromsø and Sport Mod cells, include a switch that can inhibit the Output, by switching over to zero volts. The SEL input, when activated, grounds the Output.

Sport Modulator cell
Batumi cell – no inhibition

The Right hemisphere is built out of the two Sport Mod cells and the three Batumi cells in a cycle of five.

Cell interconnections

This much is only the control part of the patch. The sound part consists of four “voices”, triggered by four envelope generators attached to four VCAs. The voice pitches are controlled by sample & holds in the cells. The Left and the Right hemispheres control two voices each. The four voices are mixed and various delay and reverb effects applied.

The Relics (a.k.a. recordings)

The audio and video recordings are each different takes, with some small tweaks. Please keep in mind (as per the previous post about recording performances) that these recordings are mere relics and do not constitute anything more than relics in relation to the original. When listening live, anticipating what comes next is only a mental guess. In a recording there are no surprises, except on first listening. (So don’t listen more than once!) For the best re-production listen on speakers, not headphones or buds.

A relic of Hemispheres Redux
A different tweak of the same patch

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