Two Dual LFO from VoiceAs plus two Dual Sample and Hold modules from Tenderfoot Electronics plus two Dual S&H from 2hp make possible a four-cell Quantussy Cell ring.
The 2^LFO from VoiceAs is a perfect LFO for application in a Quantussy Cell. Each LFO has a triangle and a square wave output, the triangle for sampling and the square for triggering, plus a rate CV input. I added the bananut colors I use (CV input – blue, output – black, pulse out – red), plus blue Davies knobs to the two LFO modules.
The dual S&H from Tenderfoot is a new 4hp module with novel features. Each S&H has its own internal noise source. There’s an input attenuator pot, and a switch for S&H vs T&H. Also a trigger patched to the top S&H normals to the bottom S&H. So that one trigger can produce two simultaneous and different random voltages.
Patching a four Quantussy Cell takes up every jack in this cluster of six modules.

This patch uses stack cables to provide patch points for taking out the square waves and four of the stepped samples.

For a demonstration I made a patch consisting of four oscillators, four envelope generators, and four VCAs. Each oscillator pitch is controlled by a stepped output. Each oscillator is gate through an envelope generator/VCA pair. I added delay and reverb effects.

Added July 3rd:
This recording was made with only one change to the patch. The LFOs are simply triggering the four Tenderfoot S&H, which produce four random voltages. This is not a Quantussy Cell, thus the triggering is regular, since the LFO CV input are not patched.