As I’ve been exploring clock modulators lately, what better use than to control Elmyra 2? I set up four envelope generators, kicked off by Pithoprakta, and patched them to the Elmyra 2 Gate inputs. Works like a charm as long as the ENV pots are turned full counter-clockwise (fastest). The voices then follow the external EGs.
Then I patched three different stepped control voltages into the frequency CV inputs on three of the Elmyra 2 voices. These had to be tweaked to be in just the right range and amplitude. I used the standard 12-tone scale, but set all the voices up one octave from the defaults. An additional touch was to patch an external gate into the Sync input and used that to synchronize the Elmyra 2 delay. There’s also a little bit of modulation on the filter cutoff.
Finally, the Elmyra 2 output passes through Qu-Bit Data Bender, which jumbles it up, all in sync. Data Bender effects were also gated on and off automatically. Then a stereo reverb.