Dual Krell on MOTM

Dual Krell MOTM patch

After doing Krells in Eurorack, I wanted to do more on the MOTM. This is a dual patch. Each patch has a through-zero VCO being TZFM’ed by a sine wave VCO, followed by a wave modulation effect, followed by a VCA into a bandpass filter, followed by a digital effect. The end gate of the envelope generator (a CGS Serge VCS) triggers a sample & hold to change the pitches of both VCOs. Other modulators are applied to the wave modulators (CGS 29 Wave Multiplier, and Oakley Discontinuity) and to the digital effects (E560 and E580).

A short snapshot recording
Veeblefetzers following audio signals
Full frontal of the Dual Krell patch

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