Sometimes you need a small mixer for a specific purpose. I was updating my Mocante rack and had 4hp of space for a three or four input mono mixer. Searching Modular Grid, I found several of these including the relatively new CubuSynth 4Mix. I ordered the PC board and panel from CubuSynth. All SMD parts are already soldered and I had the pots, jacks and knobs on hand. It is a very easy build.

Below is a photo of the Mocante case, showing:
- Ieaskul F. Mobenthey Mocante
- Razmasynth Unknown Pleasures
- Mutable Instruments Ears
- CubuSynth 4Mix
- Erica Synths Pico DSP
- Qu-Bit Aurora

This case is designed for improvisation. The patch sends two outputs from Mocante, one from Unknown Pleasures, and one from Ears to the 4Mix. 4Mix out into Pico DSP, which is mono in and stereo out. Pico DSP outputs to Aurora inputs. The Aurora stereo outputs are the case out. It turns out that Aurora is great for improv. A small sample of sound captured in the Freeze buffer can be twisted into all sort of sounds.