Blue + White

Blue + White patch

Playing around with the Serge system, plus the dual Benjolin. Slightly Nasty Oscillator and Filter are in white panels. The rest are blue.

Blue + White Take 1
Blue + White Take 2

4 Responses to Blue + White

  1. Ritchie says:

    How do you find the Slightly Nasty modules? Comparable to Serge in terms of sound and feature set?

  2. Richard says:

    Hi Ritchie,

    It’s a little hard to compare sound. The Slightly Nasty Oscillator and Filter sound quite good to my ears.

    As far as feature set, Slightly Nasty takes his own approach. For example, the Multiband Filter has only one FM CV input. But it has a neat feature that let’s some of the signal input mix with the CV.

    The Asymmetric Slew Limiter uses a mode switch and lacks an End Pulse output. But it can produce a precise +5V AR envelope that doesn’t rely on the gate amplitude. Its overall behavior is a little weird.

    The Oscillator has two outputs, each with a different manual mix, plus a separate sub-octave output that can also be mixed into one of the other outputs.

    Go to my 4U Category for links to my detailed built posts.

  3. Ritchke says:

    Thanks for the info. Appreciated.

  4. Fer says:

    I like T1, beautiful and interesting!

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