Demonstrates some of the variety of sounds the StonZ can make. The input comes from a Blacet Miniwave (PPG1 ROM), with the Bank and Wave selections being voltage controlled. The A and B outputs of the StonZ are sent through two VCA’s to stereo outputs panned a bit to the left and right. It starts out in “bright” mode (-), and at the 1 minute mark the mode switch is flipped to (+), the “darker” mode. Regen is set at 6.5. The FREQ CV input follows the VCO frequency (CV from a sample and hold). The LFO that triggers the envelope generators on the VCA’s also produces a triangle wave that is sent to the StonZ EXT MOD input. The StonZ’s internal LFO is set at a fast tremolo rate (9), and Mod Mix is set at (8) so that just a bit of the tremolo comes through.
Modular Analog Synthesis
automatic music bandpass buchla bugbrand case cgs cgs-serge chaos ciat-lonbarde clouds cocoquantus delay DIY drone envelope generator eurorack filter highpass improvised LFO lowpass mangler mescaline mixer noise plumbutter power supply pulse divider quantisise quantussy random ring modulator rollz-5 sample and hold sequence sequencer serge slew limiter tetrazzi Uhbik VCA VCDO VCF VCO wave multiplierCategories
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