Plumbutter (left) pals around with Cocoquantus. I’m still figuring it out! I included this photo of both, but the recording below is Plumbutter alone. The patch uses one AVDog, which is essentially a VCO gated by a VCA with a funny envelope generator. It’s a sweet little sound. One Gong module is used, but only for its envelope generator, with orange banana to AVDog purple CV input and gray banana over to both Ultrasounds to sweep their CV inputs. AVDog’s output goes through both Ultrasounds to make wild sounds. The quirky rhythm is generated by a conjoined 3-Rolz and 4-Rolz. The other 3- and 4-Rolz pair generates CV’s for the AVDog and Gong. I rode the mixer during the recording and fiddled with AVDog’s trigger delay. Lord, I’m trying to explain this.
Modular Analog Synthesis
automatic music bandpass buchla bugbrand case cgs cgs-serge chaos ciat-lonbarde clouds cocoquantus delay DIY drone envelope generator eurorack filter highpass improvised LFO lowpass mangler mescaline mixer noise plumbutter power supply pulse divider quantisise quantussy random ring modulator rollz-5 sample and hold sequence sequencer serge slew limiter tetrazzi Uhbik VCA VCDO VCF VCO wave multiplierCategories
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