I ran across some stuff on the internet about 528 Hz and other solfeggio tones. Is it just New Age mumbo-jumbo? Who knows? I made a patch using one MOTM-300 VCO and the Teezer VCO both set close to 528 Hz. I let them be a little off. Nothing is perfect, so why try to be? I ran the sawtooth outputs of each VCO through a channel of the Cynthia Waveform Animator and then through a half of my dual MOTM-480 VCF. I also mixed pulse waves from each VCO into each respective MOTM-480 channel. (I got a pulse wave from the Teezer using my Mixer-Comparator.) I put very slow sine wave LFOs on each 480 FM. Then I added a bass voice by dividing the Teezer output by 16 with the MOTM-730 pulse divider to get a 33 Hz square wave. This was run through a MOTM-440 VCF, which had another very slow LFO on its FM. That was the basic patch.
A few days later I was working on a ring modulation patch for the Mattson VCA. For that I used a second MOTM-300 VCO and the Morphing Terrarium VCO. I utilized the J. Haible Trapezoid VCA to envelope the MT sine wave going into the Mod input of the VCA. A MOTM-800 drove the CV input of the VCA. I fiddled with the frequency pots of the oscillators to get a nice bell tone.
Now it gets eerie. Both patches were running. I had the 528 Hz experiment turned off in the mix. I just thought, hey, why not mix the two. Probably be very dissonant. No! It was very harmonious! I checked the frequencies and without intending to I had set the MOTM-300 to 262 Hz (about 528/2) and the M.T. to 528! How did that happen? Must be the mysteries of the universe.
Far out! Really nice work, I feel it for sure. Good sounds too.
very nice…. a sugestion that bell sound from the left channel might be nice comming in now and then with various delays on it . lovely string like texture you have in the right channel.