Summer Play

Summer is almost here.  I haven’t spent enough time patching lately.  But this emerged yesterday.  I started out with the idea to apply three envelopes to the MOTM-410 Triple Resonant Filters by way of the OMS-410.  Three VCO’s, each gated by an Oakley ADSR/VCA, are mixed into the 410.  A MOTM-440 low pass filter completes the filter chain.  Three MOTM-800 envelope generators, each paired with a VCO signal, control the three 410 bandpass filters.  The CGS Infinite Melody provides three note control voltages, each quantized by a Modcan quantizer or a Miniwave.  The rhythm is by a random generator built from two MOTM-320 LFO’s, a MOTM-730 VC Pulse Divider and a CGS digital pulse shifter.  Echos are courtesy of the Lexicon MPX-1.  This patch runs by itself and is pleasant enough that I kept it in the background for an hour while doing some PC board assembly for my next module (an Ian Fritz Teezer VCO).

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