Shbobo Shnth


I was lucky to snag a first-run Shbobo Shnth, Peter Blasser’s just released computer music device.  It is tiny at 4.25 x 4.25 x 1.25 inches.  It features:

  • 4 touch-sensitive wood barres
  • 8 control buttons
  • 2 touch-sensitive antennae (on the back side)
  • 8 LED indicators
  • A microphone input

The output is through a stereo mini-jack.

Shnth is programmed in a language called shlisp.  The programs load from a computer via a USB cable, which also serves to charge the internal battery.  Shnth can be disconnected from the computer and played with the currently loaded program.  Programs can contain a group of separate ‘situations’, which represent different patches.

Here’s a quick demo, using one of the supplied programs, called ‘vancouver’, which has several different situations that I stepped through to demonstrate.

2 Responses to Shbobo Shnth

  1. Hainbach says:

    Great examples! I on the list for the next run, can’t wait!

  2. Richard says:

    I wish I had pressed the tare button (red) before I made the demo. The antennae weren’t functioning during it. I’m learning!

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