Quantussy Melody

I’ve been working on a self-running patch that routes two of the cocoquantus oscillators (the five inseparably cross-modulating VCOs are called the Quantussy) through the modular for processing.  In this postcard recording they are processed through through pairs of CGS tube VCAs, Blacet Time Machines, MOTM-480 filters, then back through the coco delays.  All FM is internal to the quantussy, notably the sample and hold note sequences.

This was the 20th recording of the patch.  I was just sitting listening with headphones and turned on the recorder for five minutes.  This kind of piece has no beginning or end.  Every minute or so it seems to introduce a new and interesting variation.  It makes me want to keep listening to hear surprises.  I never know what any recording will be like.  It’s a composition that’s indetermine with respect to its exhibition, yet completely determinate in terms of its settings.  I made no changes during the recording.

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