MegaHz Drone

This is a drone I worked up for the MegaHz Experimental and Noise Festival.

As it turned out, I decided not to use this piece in my performance, due to the logistics of having to repatch, since I have limited time.  I’ll be performing two quite different pieces that share only a few modules, so that repatching can be done more quickly.  But here’s a recording of the drone I made in my studio.

The focus of this drone is radical waveforms and timbres.  Three oscillators are pretuned and maintain the same pitches throughout.  The Modcan VCDO exhibits its wonderful Frequency Modulation and internal wave table; the Blacet Miniwave (Standard Blacet ROM) is waveform modulated; the “metalshop” grinding sounds of the CGS Wave Multiplier completes the trio.  All are mixed through a MOTM-440 VCF.

One Response to MegaHz Drone

  1. jfm3 says:

    That’s really nice!

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